January 31, 2009
Recent Happenings - Baird Lab
Baird Lab goes Brazilian: July 20-25 2008, Jeff, Wendy, Colin, Salomé Menezes (Portugal) and the head honcho himself attended the 8th INTECOL International Wetlands Conference in Cuiabá, Brazil. Held every 4 years, this is the foremost gathering of wetland scientists and conservationists in the world. It was an excellent opportunity to discuss current research and global challenges facing wetlands with other students and researchers. Donald co-chaired a workshop with Max Finlayson looking at the responses of freshwater systems to agricultural intensification in the Northern and Southern hemispheres that focused on problems as well as solutions. The UNB contingent was very fortunate to have local student Carla Velasquez provide a personal tour of the University of Mato Grosso, its incredible insect collection, and the university Zoo!