Allan Debertin – originally from St. Stephen, NB (BSc Mount Allison University)
Abundance, distribution and predator-prey interactions of selected pelagic fish species and their prey on the Northumberland Strait. MSc project.
Sarah Dickison – originally from Fredericton, NB (BSc UNB)
Toxicity of dispersed oil for Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) embryos. MSc Project.
Michael Sweezey – originally from Miramichi, NB (BSc Queen’s University)
The importance of seasonal migrations to freshwater overwintering habitats for the life cycle of the American eel (Anguilla rostrata). MSc project.
Jared Tomie – originally from Sydney, NS (BSc CBU)
The burrowing behaviour of the American eel (Anguilla rostrata). MSc. project.