Peer-reviewed Journal Articles
Bosker, T., K. Munkittrick, and D. MacLatchy. 2009. Challenges in current adult fish laboratory reproductive tests: suggestions for refinement using a mummichog (Fundulus heteroclitus) case study. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 28: 2386-2396.
Clément, M., A. St-Hilaire, D. Caissie, A. Chiasson, S. Courtenay, and P. Hardie. 2009. An evaluation of mitigation measures to reduce impacts of peat harvesting on the aquatic habitat of the East Branch Portage River, New Brunswick, Canada. Can. Water. Resour. J. 34(4): 441-452.
Martyniuk C.J., B. Sanchez, M.J. Szabo, N.D. Denslow, and M.S. Sepúlveda. 2009. Contaminant effects on male largemouth bass brain transcripts involved in reproduction. Aquatic Tox. 95:1-9.
Martyniuk C.J., K.J. Kroll, W.F. Porak, C. Steward, H.J. Grier, and N.D. Denslow. 2009. Seasonal relationship between, gonadotropin, growth hormone, and estrogen receptor mRNA expression in the pituitary of female and male largemouth bass. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 163:306-17.
Martyniuk C.J., S. Alvarez, S. McClung, D. Villeneuve, G.T. Ankley, and N.D. Denslow. 2009. Quantitative proteomic profiles for androgen signaling in the liver of fathead minnows. J. Proteome Res. 8:2186-2200.
Melvin, S., K. Munkittrick, T. Bosker, and D.L. MacLatchy. 2009. Sensitivity of mummichog (Fundulus heteroclitus) and fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) exposed to pulp mill effluent in adult reproductive tests: detectable effect size and bioassay power. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 28:2416-25.
Tardif, S., A. St-Hilaire, R. Roy, M. Bernier, and S. Payette. 2009. Statistical properties of hydrographs in minerotrophic fens and small lakes in mid-latitude Québec, Canada. Can. Water Resour. J. 34(4):365-380.
Whitfield, P.H., A. St-Hilaire, and G. van der Kamp. 2009. Improving hydrological predictions in peatlands. Can. Water. Resour. J. 34(4): 467-478
Whitfield, P., A. St-Hilaire, D. Caissie, A. Chiasson, S. Courtenay, and P. Hardie. 2009. Introduction to peatlands special issue: Improving hydrological prediction in Canadian peatlands. Can. Water. Resour. J. 34(4): 303-310.
Wyn, B., K.A. Kidd, N.M. Burgess, and R.A. Curry. 2009. Mercury biomagnification in the food webs of acidic lakes in Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site, Nova Scotia. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 66: 1532-1545.