Sean McNeill - originally from Summerside, PE
Undergraduate Honours Thesis.
Measurement of Gonadal Steroidogenic Enzyme Expression in Three-Spined Stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus)
Co-supervised: Mike van den Heuvel and Natacha Hogan
Scott Roloson - originally from Montague, PE
Undergraduate Honours Thesis.
Dynamics and size structure of yellow perch (Perca flavescens) populations from north-eastern Alberta lakes.
Supervisor: Mike van den Heuvel
Laura Phalen - originally from Charlottetown, PE
Undergraduate Summer Student.
Development of molecular techniques for detection of iridovirus in yellow perch (Perca flavescens) exposed to oil sands process-affected water
Co-supervised: Mike van den Heuvel and Natacha Hogan
Ashleigh Allen - originally from Charlottetown, PE
Undergraduate Honours Thesis.
Influence of thyroid hormone on gonadal steroidogenesis and steroidogenic enzyme expression in the amphibian Xenopus tropicalis.
Supervisor: Natacha Hogan
Jenelle McKenzie - originally from Hartsville, PE
Jenelle is a student assistant field technician working in estuaries along Prince Edward Island's North shore. She is working on assessing fish community composition in eelgrass beds in estuaries with differing eelgrass structure. All of her work is part of an on-going project to identify land-use impacts on PEI's estuarine environment.
Supervisor: Kevin Teather