April 01, 2007
April edition - Featured CRIer
This new feature will highlight one of our CRIers and explain in a bit more detail what they are working on. If you want to nominate someone for the next edition just include the information with your sCRIbbles submission.
Andrew Sutherland (Post-doctoral fellow with Dr. Joseph Culp).
Andrew is working with Environment Canada (EC) to develop deposited sediment performance standards for streams draining agricultural lands. Specifically, as part of the National Agri-Environmental Standards Initiative (NAESI), his research involves 1) the determination of appropriate deposited sediment criteria, including both performance indicators (e.g. streambed stability) and condition indicators (e.g. benthic invertebrate indices), 2) the development of methods for rapidly assessing these criteria and 3) the development of performance standards for deposited sediment in Canada’s agricultural streams.
If you want to contact Andrew about his research, he can be reached at: andrews"at"unb.ca