Undergraduate Honours projects
- Wells Cushnie. The mechanism of action of 17α-ethylestradiol on gonadal steroidogenesis in mummichog. University of New Brunswick. (Dr. Deb MacLatchy)
Wells is currently starting his MSc at McGill University.
- Heather Loomer. 2006. Swimming in sewage: indicators of faecal waste on fish in Saint John, New Brunswick.”(Dr. Karen Kidd)
- Karma Tenzin. The design of a non-lethal fish monitoring program for rivers in Bhutan. Current: government training program, Bhutan. (Dr. Kelly Munkittrick)
- Marilynn Kullman. Assimilation of freshwater salmonid aquaculture waste by native aquatic biota. (Dr. Karen Kidd)
- Rachel Keeler. Development and application of passive integrated transponder technology to investigate the movement and reproductive ecology of adult slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus) in small New Brunswick streams. (Dr. Rick Cunjak)
- Stephanie Ratelle. Ecological interactions between juvenile diploid and triploid Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.). (Drs. Rick Cunjak and Tillmann Benfey)
- Megan Mathews. Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) autumn parr and spring smolt movements in two tributaries of the Miramichi River system. (Dr. Rick Cunjak)
- Alexa Alexander. Sublethal effects of imidacloprid on mayflies and oligochaetes. MSc. University of New Brunswick. (Dr. Joseph Culp)