June 01, 2007

Welcome - June edition (1 April - 31 May 2007)

Welcome to the June edition of sCRIbbles! 'Tis the season to get out and enjoy our wonderful Canadian rivers, either for fieldwork or fun, or both!

Thanks for stopping by to see the latest CRI activities,
- Michelle and Katy

Recent Happenings - April-May Kidd Lab

Karen Kidd and her co-authors at DFO in Winnipeg published a paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in May. The paper showed a collapse of the fathead minnow population in a lake that was dosed with the estrogen used in birth control pills.

The paper generated an incredible amount of media coverage for UNB and the CRI including articles with National Geographic, Science Magazine, Newsweek, New Scientist, the Globe and Mail, the National Post and 40 other Canadian papers, the London Daily Telegraph, and Forbes Magazine. She was interviewed by CTV, by CBC TV National News, and by CBC Radio (for 7 different shows including “As it happens”). Links can be found in the "CRI in the News" section below.

New CRI People

Taylor, Susan. Swimming performance in brook trout. BSc student. (Dr Jim Kieffer)

Bradley, Carl. Ecology of adult lake sturgeon. NSERC USRA summer student. (Dr. Steve Peake)

Kabir, Farah. Reproductive responses of mummichog to effluent. Summer student. (Dr. Deb MacLatchy)

Nolan, Ashley. Effects of industrial effluents on fish reproduction. NSERC USRA summer research assistant. (Dr. Deb MacLatchy)

Herrington, Kady. Comparison of mummichog and fathead minnow reproductive tests as indicators of exposure to pulp mill effluents. Summer research assistant. (Dr Deb MacLatchy)

Completed Students

Johnson, Alison. A light at the end of the tunnel: Using gait transition speed to determine culvert water velocity. (MSc). Apr, 2007. (Dr. Steve Peake)

Alison is now working as an aquatic biologist for AMEC Earth and Environmental.

Publications - Journal Articles

Aguilar, C., G. González-Sansón, I. Hernández, D.L. MacLatchy and K.R. Munkittrick. 2007. Effects-based assessment in a tropical coastal system: Status of bicolor damselfish (Stegastes partitus) on the north shore of Cuba. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 67(3): 459-471

Kidd, K.A., P.J. Blanchfield, K.H. Mills, V.P. Palace, R.E. Evans, J.M. Lazorchak and R. Flick. 2007. Collapse of a fish population following exposure to a synthetic estrogen. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 104(21):8897-8901. doi:/10.1073/pnas.0609568104

Kullman, M.A., C.L. Podemski and K.A. Kidd. 2007. A sediment bioassay to assess the effects of aquaculture waste on growth, reproduction, and survival of Sphaerium simile (Say) (Bivalvia: Sphaeriidae). Aquaculture. 266 (1-4):144-152, doi:/10.1016/j.aquaculture.2006.12.048

Martell, D.J. and J.D. Kieffer (2007) Persistent effects of incubation temperature on muscle development in larval haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus L.). The Journal of Experimental Biology. 210: 1170-1182.

Suski, C. D., J. D. Kieffer, S. S. Killen and B. L. Tufts (2007). Submitted. Sub-lethal ammonia toxicity in largemouth bass. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology. 146:381-389.

Conference and Invited Presentations

Arciszewski,T., K.R. Munkittirick, and K.A. Kidd. Utility of assessing invertebrates at the population level in monitoring programs. North American Benthological Society, Columbia, South Carolina, June 3-8, 2007.

Haralampides, K. and D. Riley. Discussions of women and technology based on Ursula Franklin quotes from her new book “The Ursula Franklin Reader: Pacifism as a Map”. Session held during the Engineering, Social Justice, and Peace Conference, Binghamton, NY, April 27-29, 2007.

Jardine, T.D., K.A. Kidd, and R.A. Cunjak. Mercury bioaccumulation in streams: the role of food web length, carbon sources, and proximity to emission sources. North American Benthological Society, Columbia, South Carolina, June 3-8, 2007.

Kassie R.S. and J. D. Kieffer. 2007. Just Go With The Flow: Recovery from Exhaustive Exercise in brook trout. Canadian Society of Zoologist Annual Meeting. McGill University.

Martell, D.J. and J.D. Kieffer. 2007. The effect of incubation temperature on the metabolic development in embryonic haddock: comparing apples to apples. Canadian Society of Zoologist Annual Meeting. McGill University. 2007 (Poster Presentation)

Swanson, H.K. and K.A. Kidd. Possible effects of anadromous Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) on food web structure, energetics, and contaminant concentrations in coastal arctic lakes. 2nd International Symposium on Diadromous Fishes, Halifax, Nova Scotia, June 18-21, 2007.

Upcoming Workshops/Conferences

International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH) XXXV Congress: Groundwater and Ecosystems. Lisbon, Portugal, September 17-21, 2007.

New Projects

Kidd, K.A. and T.D. Jardine. Assessment of mercury levels in New Brunswick waterways: the continued development of sentinel species. New Brunswick Environmental Trust Fund. (funded May, 2007)

Kidd, K. and T.D. Jardine. Mercury in terrestrial and aquatic biota from the Grand Lake Region, New Brunswick. Grand Lake Meadows Fund. (funded April, 2007)

Kieffer, J.D. NSERC funding (2007-2012). Behavioural and Physiological Aspects of Exercise.

Swanson, H.K. The effect of anadromous Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) populations on food web structure and contaminant concentrations in coastal Arctic lakes. Northern Scientific Training Program. (March, 2007)

New Proposals

Haralampides, K., A. da Silva, P. Ashmore. Physical modelling of the St. Clair River: a sediment transport investigation. International Joint Commission, May 2007.

Haralampides, K., I. Georgiou, A. McCorquodale. Three-dimensional modeling of the St. Clair River sediments. International Joint Commission, May 2007.

Haralampides, K. Engineering and Social Justice Curriculum Development. Teaching and Learning Fund, May 2007.

CRI in the News

Dr. Karen Kidd and co-workers

Collapse of a fish population after exposure to a synthetic estrogen - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Rivers of Doubt - Newsweek

Sex-Changing Chemicals Can Wipe Out Fish, Study Shows - National Geographic News

Feminized to Extinction - Science Now

Oestrogen exposure can crash fish populations - New Scientist

Estrogen makes fish too feminine to reproduce - Times Colonist

Estrogen in water threatens minnow males - CBC News


UNB would like to say a fond farewell to CRI Fellow Deb MacLatchy who is leaving the province to become the Dean of the Faculty of Science at Wilfred Laurier University. All the best, Deb!

Kerry MacQuarrie has been appointed to the NSERC Strategic Projects Selection Committee Panel for Healthy Environment and Ecosystems.

Katy Haralampides has been elected as chair of the Women’s Committee for the Canadian Association of University Teachers.
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