Kidd, K.A. 2007. Effects of a whole lake estrogen addition on aquatic populations. Gulf Centre, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Feb 7, 2007. Moncton, NB. (invited presentation)
Paterson, M., C. Podemski, P. Azevedo, P. Blanchfield, D. Findlay, R. Hesslein, K. Mills, R. Rooney, L. Tate, M. Turner, M. Kullman, C. Bristow, and K.A. Kidd. 2007. Ecosystem effects of cage aquaculture: an update of results from the Experimental Lakes Area. Developments in Freshwater Aquaculture in Canada, Interprovincial Partnership for Sustainable Freshwater Aquaculture Development, Feb 8, 2007. Hull, QU.
6th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics, Feb. 18-23, 2007. Christchurch, New Zealand.Gallant, M.J., K. Haralampides, R.A. Cunjak, P.W. Emerson, C. Connell, C., and R.W. Newbury. 2007. Salmon Hotel Design: An ecohydraulics approach to increasing riverine production of juvenile wild Atlantic Salmon.
Halleraker, J.H., T.P. Linnansaari, K.T. Alfredsen, H.-P. Fjeldstad, and R.A. Cunjak. 2007. Influence of physical processes on activity pattern and movement of overwintering Atlantic salmon: juveniles PIT-tagged in ice-covered streams.
Haralampides, K., and P. Wedge. 2007. Fish in the Engineering Building? Salmonid passage through stream culvert entrances.
Stickler, M., T. Linnansaari, E.C. Enders, K. Alfredsen, R.A. Cunjak, and D.A. Scruton. 2007. The role of stream margin and pool habitats for Atlantic salmon parr in small streams during winter.
Gray, M.A. 2007. Overview: CRI research in agricultural regions. Working Towards A Strategic Approach to Riparian Management in the Atlantic Region. Agri-Food and Agriculture Canada (AAFC) workshop. Mar 21, 2007. Moncton, NB. (invited presentation)
Linnansaari, T.P. 2007. Effects of winter on behaviour, activity and habitat use of juvenile Atlantic salmon (
Salmo salar L.). 3rd Nordic Workshop for PhD students on
Salmo salar and
Salmo trutta Research, Mar 22-25, 2007. Jyväskylä, Finland.