Canadian Conference for Fisheries Research. January 4-7, 2007. Montreal, PQ.Breau, C, R. A. Cunjak, and S. J. Peake. 2007.Behaviour at high temperatures: does physiology explain movement of Atlantic salmon (
Salmo salar) to cooler water?
Curry, C., D.J. Baird, and R.A. Curry. 2007. Assessment of larval odonate biodiversity in two tributary watersheds of the Saint John River, New Brunswick.
Enders, E.C., T. Castro-Santos, S. Peake, A. Haro, and D. Scruton. 2007. The effects of horizontally- and vertically-oriented vortices on the swimming performance of upstream migrating brook charr (
Salvelinus fontinalis).
Kidd, K.A. 2007. Responses of a freshwater food web to whole-lake additions of a potent estrogen.
Peake, S. 2007. Hydroelectric dams are not necessarily bad for fish: ecology of a thriving population of lake sturgeon downstream of a generating station on the Winnipeg River.
Wyn, B., K. Kidd, R.A. Curry, and N. Burgess. 2007. Factors affecting mercury concentrations in fish from acidified food webs in Kejimkujik National Park, Nova Scotia.
5th International Conference on Ecological Informatics ISEI5. Dec. 3-7, 2006 Santa Barbara, CA, USA.Horrigan, N. and D.J. Baird. 2007. Using artificial neural network models to diagnose potential causes of impairment in stressed river invertebrate communities.
Pascoe, T., T. Kralidis, J. Cree, and D.J. Baird. 2007. BugML: An XML standard for sharing and interoperability of aquatic biomonitoring data across distributed databases.
Rubach, M, P. Van den Brink, and D.J. Baird. 2007. Assessing ecosystem health and impairment by species traits and their relation to stressors.
State of the Saint John River Conference, January 8-9 2007, Fredericton, NB. Goldschneider, A.A., K. Haralampides, and K.T.B. MacQuarrie. 2007. River sediment and flow characteristics near a bank filtration water supply: implications for riverbed clogging.
Gray. M.A., S.M. Brasfield, and K.R. Munkittrick. 2007. Overview of agricultural studies on the upper Saint John River basin.
Jardine, T.D., and K.A. Kidd. 2007. Mercury sources and fate in the Grand Lake region of the St. John River.
MacLatchy, D.L., M.G. Dubé, K.S. Shaughnessy, A.M. Belknap, C.B. Milestone and L.M. Hewitt. 2007. Investigation of cause at Irving Pulp and Paper, Ltd: A ten-year retrospective.
MacQuarrie, K.T.B. 2007. Connections between the Saint John River and municipal groundwater supplies.
Breau, C., R.A. Cunjack, S.J. Peake. 2007. Behaviour at high water temperature: can physiology explain movement of juvenile Atlantic salmon (
Salmo salar) to cool water? The Salmonid Science Workshop, Jan 23, 2007. Boistown, New Brunswick.
MacLatchy, D.L. and Melvin, S. 2007. Investigation of Cause Study: Activity 2. Mummichog adult and partial lifecyle tests. Multi-mill Consortium Presentation. Jan 2007, Ottawa, ON.